
people of north korean descent معنى

  • أشخاص من أصل كوري الشمالي
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • north    adj. شمالي; n. الش ...
  • korean    adj. كوري, كوري جن ...
  • descent    n. هبوط, أصل, سقوط ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. people of north american descent معنى
  2. people of north american-jewish descent معنى
  3. people of north carolina in the american civil war معنى
  4. people of north carolina in the american revolution معنى
  5. people of north dakota in the american civil war معنى
  6. people of northern ireland descent معنى
  7. people of norwegian descent معنى
  8. people of oceanian descent معنى
  9. people of ohio in the american civil war معنى
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